Every week I will highlight individuals, groups and businesses who are stepping up and leading the way in the Covid- 19 era. This week: The Village on Main!
Over the past few months, we have witnessed members of our community take the initiative and demonstrate great leadership in our community. From nonprofits to faith-based organizations, volunteers, and businesses, it has been inspiring to witness groups and individuals assist others at this challenging time.
Graziella Grbac and the team at Village on the Main are examples of a group that has done a superb job in providing information in a calm, professional manner. Graziella is the Executive Director of this amazing organization. The Village on Main is a Business Improvement District – BID. Their motto is “Change is good, transformation is better.” The Village on Main is dedicated to transforming commercial and residential opportunities in Dartmouth East. The Village on Main is focused on creating a friendly, green, accessible, inclusive, and collaborative community.
On Main St, we have 60 health and wellness centers, education institutions and transit hubs making up the core of Dartmouth East. Through Graziella’s outstanding leadership during the pandemic, businesses in our area were able to access information about federal and provincial government programs. Graziella’s consistent email updates to members of the Village on Main were extremely helpful. Our small businesses are the foundation of the Nova Scotia economy and they have experienced unprecedented challenges these past few months.
Along with providing timely, clear information to our small businesses, Graziella and the Village on Main continue to show great initiative in our community. Just recently they placed socially distancing images at all the transit stops in our area. Another example of the grassroots work they do to support members of our community at this very challenging time.
On behalf of our community of Dartmouth East, I want to thank Graziella and the staff at the Village on Main for their solid consistent leadership over these past few months. They have been a source of great information for our businesses in Dartmouth East! Keep up the great work!
This is just a small sample of folks and organizations making a difference in our community of Dartmouth East. It is my intention to highlight their stories every week on my blog. If you have suggestions on who I should highlight I can be contacted at [email protected]
Stay strong. Stay safe. Stay positive.