Dartmouth Tree Lighting

Sullivan's Pond Christmas Tree Lighting

Saturday December 7th

5-6:15 p.m. | Sullivan’s Pond

Visit with Santa at A Buyer’s Choice Home Inspections tent & receive a free candy cane (while quantities last). Free hot chocolate, treats & glow sticks at the TD Festive Service tent (while quantities last). Visit the Findlay Fun tent presented by The Dartmouth Kiwanis Club and receive a free holiday treat (while quantities last). Take part in a holiday activity with our Municipal Recreation staff.

5-6:15 p.m. | Holiday main stage presented by BOYNECLARKE LLP

The African Nova Scotian Music Association presents to you A Celebration of Christmas featuring Linda Carvery, Eriana Willis and Conquerors for Christ.

6:15-6:30 p.m. | Sullivan’s Pond

Holiday greetings from the main stage.

6:30 p.m. | Sullivan’s Pond

The Sullivan’s Pond Holiday Fireworks
